What is a JK flip-flop?

What is a JK flip-flop?

The JK Flip-Flop is a sequential device with 3 inputs (J, K, CLK (clock signal)) and 2 outputs (Q and Q’). J and K are control inputs.

What is the invalid or illegal output condition of JK flip-flop?

The invalid or illegal output condition occurs when both of the inputs are set to 1 and are prevented by the addition of a clock input circuit. So, the JK flip-flop has four possible input combinations, i.e., 1, 0, “no change” and “toggle”. The symbol of JK flip flop is the same as SR Bistable Latch except for the addition of a clock input.

What is the difference between clear and preset inputs of JK-flop?

PRESET input is used to directly put a “1” in the Q output on the JK Flip-Flop. CLEAR input is used to directly put a “0” in the Q output on the JK Flip-Flop. The PRESET and CLEAR inputs of the JK Flip-Flop are asynchronous, which means that they will have an immediate effect on the Q and Q’ outputs regardless of the state

How many NAND gates does a JK flip-flop need?

Fig. 5.4.1 shows the basic configuration (without S and R inputs) for a JK flip-flop using only four NAND gates.

The clock has to be high for the inputs to get active. Thus, JK flip-flop is a controlled Bi-stable latch where the clock signal is the control signal. Thus, the output has two stable states based on the inputs which have been discussed below. The J (Jack) and K (Kilby) are the input states for the JK flip-flop.

What is race around condition in J-K flip-flop?

This problem is called race around condition in J-K flip-flop. This problem can be avoided by ensuring that the clock input is at logic “1” only for a very short time.This introduced the concept of Master Slave JK flip flop. Master-slave J-K flip flop is designed using two J-K flipflops connected in cascade.

What are the characteristics of J and K inputs of S-R flip-flop?

The characteristics of inputs ‘J’ and ‘K’ is same as the ‘S’ and ‘R’ inputs of the S-R flip-flop. J stands for SET, and ‘K’ stands for CLEAR. When both the inputs J and K have a HIGH state, the flip-flop switches to the complement state, so, for a value of Q = 1, it switches to Q=0, and for a value of Q = 0, it switches to Q=1.

Why JK flip-flop has two stable states?

The clock has to be high for the inputs to get active. Thus, JK flip-flop is a controlled Bi-stable latch where the clock signal is the control signal. Thus, the output has two stable states based on the inputs which have been discussed below.

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