Wat is de olifantsziekte?

Wat is de olifantsziekte?

Elefantiase of olifantsziekte wordt veroorzaakt door parasitaire wormen van het type Filarioidea. In veel gevallen veroorzaakt de ziekte geen symptomen. Sommige patiënten ontwikkelen echter overmatige zwelling in de armen, benen of geslachtsdelen. De huid kan ook dikker worden en er kan pijn optreden.

Welke soorten oedeem zijn er?

Er zijn verschillende soorten oedeem, hieronder bespreken we de meest voorkomende oedemen.

  • Lymfoedeem. Lymfoedeem is een ophoping van lymfevocht in een lichaamsdeel.
  • Lipoedeem. Bij lipoedeem is er een stoornis in de aanmaak van het vetweefsel.
  • Veneus oedeem.
  • Behandeling.

What is elephantitis or elephantiasis?

The rest elephantitis or elephantiasis information can be embellished as further: The symptoms of elephantitis depend on the cause of elephantiasis and do not come to light till the maturity of the disease. The most common symptom is inflammation or swelling.

What are the signs and symptoms of elephantiasis?

Symptoms. You may not know you have elephantiasis until you notice the swelling. Not only will those body parts begin to look bulky and lumpy with stiff, tough skin, there is also pain in the swollen area. You may also have chills, fever, and just feel bad all over.

What is Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis)?

Lymphatic filariasis , commonly referred to as elephantiasis , is a neglected tropical disease caused by tiny parasitic worms spread by mosquitos. While most people don’t have any symptoms, the infection can cause painful swelling, particularly in the limbs, that can lead to permanent disability.

Can elephantiasis cause lymphedema?

Elephantiasis symptoms Most infected people are asymptomatic and will never develop clinical symptoms, despite the fact that the parasite damages the lymph system. These people do not know they have lymphatic filariasis unless tested. A small percentage of persons will develop lymphedema.

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