Hoe weet je de Molariteit van een stof?

Hoe weet je de Molariteit van een stof?

Als het aantal mol van de opgeloste stof bekend is, kan de molariteit van een oplossing makkelijk berekend worden door te delen door het volume. Voorbeeld: 0,1 mol NaCl wordt opgelost in 0,125 L water.

Wat is absolute molecuulmassa?

absolute molecuulmassa: De absolute molecuulmassa is de werkelijke massa van het molecule uitgedrukt in kilogram.

Hoe bereken je de H+ met de pH?

Je kan ook de concentratie H+-ionen berekenen als je de pH weet. Je gebruikt dan de formule: [H +] =10 -pH.

Wat is de molecuulmassa van h2so4?

98,079 g/mol
Zwavelzuur/Molaire massa

Waar bestaat atoommassa uit?

De massa van het atoom wordt vrijwel geheel door de som van het aantal nucleonen (protonen plus neutronen) bepaald. Dit aantal wordt weergeven in het massagetal. Verschillende isotopen van het zelfde element hebben dus altijd een verschillende massagetal, men spreekt ook wel van atoommassa.

What is the oxidizing agent in ZnCl 2?

Zn is being oxidized, and HCl is the “agent” that is causing the Zn to be oxidized. #4 indicates that the student is thinking that the Zn+2in ZnCl. 2 is undergoing reduction and is therefore the oxidizing agent. It is common for students to look at the products to find the oxidizing agent.

What is the oxidation number of Cl in HCl and ZnCl2?

The oxidation number of Cl is −1 in HCl as well as in ZnCl2. Some students make think the Cl is changing from +1 to +2 or −1 to −2 because the subscript of Cl changed. ConcepTest on Identifying Which is the Oxidizing Agent

What is the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid?

When zinc metal is submerged into a quantity of aqueous HCl, the following reaction occurs (Figure 5.4 “Zinc Metal plus Hydrochloric Acid”): Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) → H2(g) + ZnCl2(aq) This is one example of what is sometimes called a single replacement reaction because Zn replaces H in combination with Cl.

What is the net change in charge of zinc chloride ion?

(There is no net change experienced by the chloride ion.) In fact, electrons are being transferred from the zinc atoms to the hydrogen atoms (which ultimately make a molecule of diatomic hydrogen), changing the charges on both elements.

Zn is being oxidized, and HCl is the “agent” that is causing the Zn to be oxidized. #4 indicates that the student is thinking that the Zn+2in ZnCl. 2 is undergoing reduction and is therefore the oxidizing agent. It is common for students to look at the products to find the oxidizing agent.

The oxidation number of Cl is −1 in HCl as well as in ZnCl2. Some students make think the Cl is changing from +1 to +2 or −1 to −2 because the subscript of Cl changed. ConcepTest on Identifying Which is the Oxidizing Agent

When zinc metal is submerged into a quantity of aqueous HCl, the following reaction occurs (Figure 5.4 “Zinc Metal plus Hydrochloric Acid”): Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) → H2(g) + ZnCl2(aq) This is one example of what is sometimes called a single replacement reaction because Zn replaces H in combination with Cl.

(There is no net change experienced by the chloride ion.) In fact, electrons are being transferred from the zinc atoms to the hydrogen atoms (which ultimately make a molecule of diatomic hydrogen), changing the charges on both elements.

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