Is Eobard Thawne related to Barry Allen?

Is Eobard Thawne related to Barry Allen?

The first and most well-known character to assume the “Reverse-Flash” mantle, Thawne is the archnemesis of Barry Allen (the second superhero to be called the Flash), a descendant of Malcolm Thawne, and a forefather of Bart Allen, Thaddeus Thawne, and Owen Mercer.

Why are Eobard Thawne and Barry Allen enemies?

Eobard and Barry become enemies in the show due to multiple time travel events that have yet to be shown/explained. And with how malleable and inconsistent time travel and time is in the show, most of these events have both happened and not happened.

Why did Eobard Thawne help Barry?

He also trains Flash according to Tv Series is because he is struck in the present without his speed and he needs Barry’s help to jump to the future.So Eobard trains Barry untill he gets to learn how to achieve the speed that Eobard requires to jump to the future.

Does Barry forgive Thawne?

Despite Thawne’s best efforts to get Barry to hate him and kill Thawne once more, Barry refuses. He stops running and stands still. Amazingly, after everything Reverse-Flash has done to him over the years, the Flash decides to let go of his hate and anger and forgive Thawne.

Who is Barry Allen’s twin brother?

Malcolm Thawne
Malcolm Thawne is the lost twin brother of Barry Allen. He is a Cobalt Blue, one of a number of evil counterparts of the Flash that wields the Blue Flame.

Is Eobard Thawne eddies son?

The other major reveal is the Reverse-Flash is actually Eobard Thawne, and Eddie is his distant ancestor. The show never provides an exact family tree to work out their relation to one another, but it appears Eobard is essentially the great-great-grandson of Eddie.

Who is the main villain in Flash?

Eobard Thawne explaining how his hatred for the Flash started and why he will always hate him. Professor Eobard Thawne, also known as the Reverse-Flash and Dr. Harrison Wells, is the central antagonist of the Crisis Saga of the Arrowverse.

Has Barry Allen ever killed anyone?

Barry tells the crew that he has not killed anyone, to which their leader, “Commander Cold”, tells him, “Not yet. But you will.”

What is Reverse-Flash’s power?

Granted with powers and abilities similar to that of the Flash, the Reverse-Flash is unwavering in his determination to oppose and destroy all that’s important to the Flash. His ability to travel through time allows him to attack the Flash at almost any point throughout history.

Who kills Barry Allen?

Allen escapes and foils the Anti-Monitor’s plan to destroy the Earth with an anti-matter cannon, creating a speed vortex to draw the power in, but dies in the process as the power becomes too much for his body.

Does Barry forgive Eobard?

In The Flash #762, Barry Allen tells Thawne that he forgives him for everything he’s done. Barry not only forgives Eobard for all the villainy he has committed over the years, including the murder of his mother Nora Allen, but apologizes for his own actions ever since the start of their feud.

Does Reverse Flash hate Barry Allen?

It’s the rivalry of the century, and yet we still don’t know why The Flash’s Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) hates Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). He hates this guy so much that he even traveled back in time to kill Barry when he was a kid.

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