Wat is er gebeurt met Kobe Bryant?

Wat is er gebeurt met Kobe Bryant?

Oud-basketballer Kobe Bryant is overleden. De voormalig basketballer van de LA Lakers is zondagochtend omgekomen bij een helikopterongeluk. De helikopter waar Bryant mee reisde is volgens Amerikaanse media, waaronder de LA Times, zondagochtend lokale tijd gecrasht nabij Calabasas, in de buurt van Los Angeles.

Wie zaten er in de helikopter Kobe?

Zo is een teamgenootje van Gianna, Alyssa Altobelli (13), onder de dodelijke slachtoffers. Ook Alyssa’s moeder Keri en haar vader John, zelf basketbalcoach van Orange Coast College, kwamen om. Christina Mauser, een persoonlijk assistent van Kobe Bryant, zat eveneens in de helikopter.

Waar crashte Kobe Bryant?

Omstreeks 9u47 lokale tijd, diep in de namiddag in Europa, stortte in Calabasas, Californië, een helikopter neer als gevolg van de dichte mist in de heuvels rond Los Angeles. Alle negen de inzittenden lieten het leven.

Who was the pilot of the helicopter that killed Kobe Bryant?

Anderson Cooper on Kobe Bryant’s legacy (CNN) The pilot of the helicopter that crashed under foggy conditions into a California hillside killing all nine aboard, including Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna, has been identified as Ara Zobayan. Pilot Ara Zobayan was identified as among the nine who died in the helicopter crash Sunday.

Why did the pilot of Kobe’s helicopter fly through clouds?

LOS ANGELES — U.S. safety investigators said Tuesday that the pilot of Kobe Bryant’s helicopter flew through clouds last year in an apparent violation of federal standards and likely became disoriented just before the helicopter crashed, killing Bryant and eight others.

Could the Kobe Bryant crash have been prevented?

(CNN) Federal investigators are recommending significant helicopter safety changes — including more pilot training and readily available technology — after concluding the crash that killed basketball legend Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter and seven others was entirely preventable.

Did Kobe Bryant’s airplane have autopilot?

He breaks down technically that Kobe’s aircraft-while top-of-the-line did not have true autopilot technology. And when the pilots got into trouble, it was basically a wrap for everyone on board.

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