Welke landen vochten in Afghanistan?

Welke landen vochten in Afghanistan?


  • Verenigde Staten – 90.000.
  • Verenigd Koninkrijk – 9.500.
  • Duitsland – 4.998.
  • Frankrijk – 3.935.
  • Italië – 3.918.
  • Canada – 2.922.
  • Polen – 2.580.
  • Roemenië – 1.948.

Hoeveel Nederlanders zijn omgekomen in Afghanistan?

241.000 doden Ook 25 Nederlandse militairen zijn bij de missies in Afghanistan overleden.

Hoeveel soldaten omgekomen in Afghanistan?

Aan Afghaanse kant zijn 69.000 leden van het leger en de politie gedood evenals 51.000 burgers en meer dan 51.000 strijders van de taliban of andere rebellengroepen. De oorlog heeft dus ongeveer 170.000 Afghanen het leven gekost.

Hoeveel militairen zaten er in Afghanistan?

Zo’n 30.000 Nederlandse militairen hebben in deze periode in Afghanistan gediend.

Is there a US base in Helmand Province Afghanistan?

Helmand Province, US Military Bases in Afghanistan Camp Leatherneck is the home base of most United States Marine Corps operations in Afghanistan. The base began life as a barren outpost in 2009, but has quickly expanded into a 1,600 acre fairly modern facility that is a military powerhouse in the area.

Is there a US military base in Afghanistan?

Bagram Air Base in Parvan Province, Afghanistan. Parvan Province, US Military Bases in Afghanistan. Bagram Air Base is operated jointly by the United States Army and Air Force. Occupying forces include the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Coalition Forces and civilians complete the constitution of the base.

Are there any NATO installations in Afghanistan?

This is a list of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) installations in Afghanistan used during the War in Afghanistan from 2001–2021. This list encompasses installations used by the International Security Assistance Force from 2001 to 2014 and then by the Resolute Support Mission after 2014.

What is the name of the military base in Kandahar?

Kandahar Airfield serves as the headquarters for RC-South, which is commanded by the United States Armed Forces. Base of operations for Canada’s C2 Leopard 1 and Leopard 2A6M tanks. Possibly a Combat Outpost. Formerly Camp Gecko.

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