Who is Palpatine in Star Wars?

Who is Palpatine in Star Wars?

―Palpatine — Listen ( file info) [src] Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

How did Palpatine meet Darth Plagueis?

Born in 82 BBY on the planet Naboo to the aristocratic House Palpatine, Palpatine discovered the Sith at a young age as a collector of dark side artifacts. In 65 BBY, he met Hego Damask, a Muun businessman who was in reality the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis.

Why did Palpatine kill his master?

He eventually killed his Sith Master in order to train his own Sith apprentice, Darth Maul, for the Rule of Two limited their ranks to two Sith Lords at any given time. As a result of the Invasion of Naboo, a crisis orchestrated by Sidious, the Senate elected Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor.

What is Palpatine called in the original trilogy?

Palpatine is referred to as “The Emperor” in the original trilogy. The character is briefly mentioned in Star Wars (1977), the first film in the original trilogy, which was later subtitled Episode IV – A New Hope.

Is Palpatine a noble name?

The novel established that Palpatine was in fact a family name. In keeping with various sources that have described Palpatine as a noble, the book also established House Palpatine, the Emperor’s family of origin, as one of many Naboo noble families, and placed it into the context of wider Naboo society.

What is Palpatine’s opinion on midi-chlorians?

A less widely-held opinion about midi-chlorians is that they make Palpatine look a touch shortsighted. If Palpatine was able to manipulate those microscopic lifeforms to create an extremely powerful Force user that he could take on as an apprentice, why not do that multiple times as a back-up plan?

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