Welke spieren worden gebruikt bij Side Bend?

Welke spieren worden gebruikt bij Side Bend?

De spieren aan de zijkant van de buik die zorgen voor rotaties van de romp en het rechttrekken van de romp vanuit zijwaarts gekantelde positie (lateroflexie van de wervelkolom)….Actieve spieren:

  • Musculus transversus abdominis (dwarse buikspier, of ‘korset spier’)
  • Rectus abdominus (rechte buikspier)
  • Erector spinae.

Wat is Obliques?

De musculus obliquus externus abdominis of buitenste schuine buikspier is een skeletspier van de romp. Hij is samen met de binnenste schuine buikspier verantwoordelijk voor de rotatie en lateroflexie van de wervelkolom.

Wat is Externus?

extérnus (-a, -um), – (Lat.) uitwendig, aan de buitenzijde geplaatst.

What is the best oblique exercise for Love Handles?

5 Best Oblique Exercises for Love Handles 1 Russian Twist. 2 Superman. 3 Bicycle Crunch. 4 Side Plank. 5 Scissor Crunch.

What are Love Handles and how do you get rid of them?

What you call love handles is the body fat on top of your obliques, the core muscles that run from your ribs to your hips. Many people struggle to lose the body fat that lies atop their obliques and get frustrated when it bulges over their waistband. The easiest solution is to go up a pants size, to be honest.

What are the 10 best oblique exercises for weight loss?

10 Best Oblique Exercises. 1 1. Russian Twists. The Russian twist exercise will set your love handles on fire! They melt off the side stomach fat by twisting from side to side. 2 2. Superman. 3 3. Bicycle Crunch. 4 4. Side Plank. 5 5. Scissor Crunch.

What is an oblique twist with a band?

An Oblique Twist With a Band is one exercise you can do. Using a band, twist and pull in the direction of the fibers. Switch to the other side and twist in the opposite direction, down and in. When you pull in the direction of the muscle fibers, down and in, you’re working your external obliques.

5 Best Oblique Exercises for Love Handles 1 Russian Twist. 2 Superman. 3 Bicycle Crunch. 4 Side Plank. 5 Scissor Crunch.

What you call love handles is the body fat on top of your obliques, the core muscles that run from your ribs to your hips. Many people struggle to lose the body fat that lies atop their obliques and get frustrated when it bulges over their waistband. The easiest solution is to go up a pants size, to be honest.

An Oblique Twist With a Band is one exercise you can do. Using a band, twist and pull in the direction of the fibers. Switch to the other side and twist in the opposite direction, down and in. When you pull in the direction of the muscle fibers, down and in, you’re working your external obliques.

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