What does proposed term mean?

What does proposed term mean?

1 : to form or put forward a plan or intention man proposes, but God disposes. 2 obsolete : to engage in talk or discussion. 3 : to make an offer of marriage.

What is meant by proposed work?

Proposed Works means those portions of the Works included in the Approval that are under construction or to be constructed; Sample 1.

When to Use propose or proposes?

propose. If someone proposes a plan or idea, they suggest it so that other people can think about it and decide on it. British Airways has proposed a one-way surcharge of $57. You can say that someone proposes that something should be done or proposes that something be done.

What does Proposed mean in law?

The act of making a suggestion, declaration, proposition or plan to another party.

What is proposal explain with examples?

A proposal is a written document to persuade the reader for a suggested plan of action. For example, a proposal may aim to attain a grant from the government to carry out a survey on communication practices on organizations.

What is proposal in a meeting?

A proposal meeting is one in which you present your proposed research to your committee. The point of this is for you and your committee to carefully think through your research plan, discuss the details critically, and improve the project. …

How do you use propose in a sentence?

Proposed sentence example

  1. Finally he proposed a plan which delighted us all beyond words.
  2. The last decree proposed the convocation of a national council.
  3. What he proposed was unbelievably generous.
  4. One day when they were sitting on the porch steps together, Brandon proposed a solution.

What is proposal writing?

Proposal writing is the act of creating a written pitch on a given subject. Good proposal writing requires a lot of forethought, understanding of your audience, and creative writing to persuade the reader. A proposal is a more advanced version, often with the goal of securing a contract or project.

What is proposal or offer?

According to the Indian Contract Act 1872, proposal is defined in Section 2(a) as “when one person will signify to another person his willingness to do or not do something (abstain) with a view to obtain the assent of such person to such an act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal or an offer.”

What is proposal in criminal law?

There is proposal when the person who has decided to commit a felony proposes its execution to some other person or persons. Conspiracy and proposal to commit a felony are generally not punishable, except for conspiracy and proposal to commit treason, coup d’état, and rebellion.

What is a project proposal?

A project proposal is a written document outlining everything stakeholders should know about a project, including the timeline, budget, objectives, and goals. A project proposal is like a written elevator pitch—its purpose is to present your project in a condensed but efficient manner.

What is Programme proposal?

Program proposal means a written description of a Program of Research specifying in reasonable detail the specific goals of the project including clinical objectives, target cells to be utilized, desired biologic endpoints of assays of the target cells, project time frames and resource requirements. Sample 2. Sample 3.


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